
What does saving grace mean
What does saving grace mean

Read the “New Rules” for living the best years of your life with guts, grit, and grace.

what does saving grace mean

Grace reminds me that I am not the only one who struggles. Grace reminds me of how I want to be treated. When I have Grace I don’t use anger against myself. That’s a tough one, at times, I’ll admit. When I have Grace I don’t use anger against those who are quick to judge, denigrate, hate, and shame. Having Grace means we are willing to consider, thoughtfully and kindly, another person’s point of view, no matter how different it may be from my own, and not fault that person for it. Grace is the understanding that we are not separate at all that each of us is inextricably tied to one another.

what does saving grace mean

The ego is what tries to make us believe we are separate from others. And if we don’t understand what they mean, we cannot be inspired or fueled by them.

what does saving grace mean

Words like these require our own interpretation or we can go through life never really understanding what they mean. His point is that despite whatever the condition of our souls may be, God is always calling, always wooing, always pleading, and always working and leaving the way open for our faith to be renewed, our hearts to be quickened by grace, and our souls to be brought to life and health again.

What does saving grace mean